Green Home

Green Home - a tour of our home, how we built our eco-home, plus information on solar electric systems, green home products and books.

Green Building

Common Sense Homestead Open House Saturday, October 1, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. until 4 p.m.

ICF Construction – What You Need to Know About an ICF Home

8 Things You Need to Know About Rocket Mass Heaters

What You Need to Know About Masonry Heaters for Radiant Heat

Aging in Place – Making Your Home Livable for a Lifetime

Solar Thermal

Solar Water Heating Basics

Passive Solar Heating Basics

Getting Started with Solar Cooking

What’s the Best Solar Cooker?

Solar Electric (Photovoltaic)

Solar Energy Questions and Answers, Pros and Cons

What is Solar Clipping? (Pros and Cons for Your PV System)

Emergency Power Options for Your Home- Gasoline Generators Versus Battery Backups

LuminAID Solar Powered Lights


Greenhouse Guide – What You Need to Know Before You Build

Build a Secure Greenhouse Foundation That Lets You Plant in the Soil

Building Our Home

Part 1 – Brainstorming

Part 2 – Finding land and an Energy Star Builder

Part 3 – Passive Solar, Radiant Heating and Attached Greenhouse

Part 4 – ICF, HVAC and Plumbing

Part 5 – Floor Plans

Part 6 – the Deck, Cabinetry and Woodwork

Part 7 – Masonry Stove and Passive Solar

Part 8 – Eco- Friendly Flooring

Green Cleaners

6 Ways to Get the Musty Smell Out of Clothes and Towels

Best Odor Eliminators for the Refrigerator, Freezer and Carpets and More

How to Remove Blood Stains from Fabric

Natural Stove Cleaners

How to Remove Hard Water Buildup from Faucets and Showerheads

Do It Yourself Laundry and Household Cleaners

Natural Cleaners – How to Make Your Own Safe Cleaners

Non-Toxic Pest Control

Natural Spider Repellents – 8 Ways to Get Rid of Spiders

How to Get Rid of Fleas (Non-Toxic, Pet Safe Options)

Natural Mosquito Repellents That Work (Plus Plants That Repel Mosquitoes)

9 Tips to Get Rid of Fruit Flies, Plus the Best Homemade Fruit Fly Trap

The Best Ways to Get Rid of Mice in Your House and Garage

How to Get Rid of Ants Naturally

Deer Fly Control and Deterrent Tips to Keep Biting Flies Away

The Ultimate Guide to Natural Pest Control in the Garden

Duck Pest Control – Working with Ducks in the Garden

Non-Toxic Home Pest Control – Avoid the Risks of Neurotoxic Pesticides

Keep Your Pantry Pest Free – 7 Green Pest Control Tips

Non-Toxic Personal Care Products

Easy, Non-toxic Homemade Deodorant

Super Easy Hard Lotion Bar Recipe

How to Make Perfume with Essential Oils – Blends for Stress Relief & More

15 Home Remedies for Bug Bites and Stings – For Mosquito Bites & More

Home Repair and Recycling

Chair Repair – Fixing a Loose Back on a Wooden Chair

Battery Recycling – How to Recycle Batteries Safely

Green Products and Books

Pillowcases to Reversible Tote Bag Upcycle Project

10 Easy Herbal Gifts to Enjoy Now, Plus One Gift That Lasts All Year Long


No More Dirty Looks

Slow Death By Rubber Duck


Solar Emergency Gear

Portable Clothes Washer Review and Comparison – What Works

Proteak Cutting Board Review

Prairie Pin Pouch Handmade Clothespin Bag

Kevin’s Quality Clothespins -The Best Clothespins You’ve Ever Used

Herbalix Deodorants

Made-On Skin Care Products

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  1. Laurie & August,
    We have been browsing through your fantastic website, and I was most interested in the design and construction of your concrete home. I am going to forward your web address to two of our daughters who, I think will find it very interesting.
    1. Joan in Long Island, NY, is very deeply involved in Green Home construction; as she is an instructor conducting seminars for engineers, architects and contractors so they can qualify for LEED certification. They have built a vacation home in North Creek, NY, in the foot of Gore Mt., that was built to the LEED standards.
    2. Mary is a Nurse-Practitioner, ex army nurse, and lived in China for 12 years with her family while her husband was there on an ex-pat assignment. They just moved to Portland, OR this year, and have a large house on a large lot (3.5 acres); and she has put in a large garden this year. She is a vegetarian, and is very big into healthy eating for the family of four kids.

    I admire your website,and the depth of links. I had a brief stint with a blogging website myself. I enjoyed it, but was not profitable for me. I guess I didn’t have the time or talent to apply to it to make it successful.

    August’s unit here should be closing here tomorrow. I hope everything works out well. All of the items that they wanted fixed should be acceptable now. If not, let me know, and I will correct them without charge.


    1. You are always full of surprises, Walt. LEED was in its infancy when we built, but I’m sure we could qualify at some level. It’s great to see a more active interest in building performance instead of just appearances. The goal is to get more content on the site related to green building yet this year, but we’re running a little behind on things with the move and everything else going on.

      It’s also great to see more people taking an active role in producing their own food. The number of local gardens has increased significantly in recent years.

      Blogging can be an awful lot of work, and is extremely competitive. I’m not getting rich, but I’m covering expenses plus a little bit right now, although not even close to covering my time. Hopefully I can stick with it, make improvements, and continue to grow this community.

      Some SNAFUS with the closing today, but hopefully it will all be sorted out soon. Thanks for all your help.