12 Home Remedies for Cough from Honey to Heat
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In this post, we’ll cover some of the most effective home remedies for cough. Most of these remedies are safe for children and adults, and you may already have them in your pantry. Plus, they don’t have the side effects of commercial products.

What Causes a Cough?
Coughing is your body’s natural reaction to clear something out of your airways that shouldn’t be there. It’s most commonly associated with colds and flu, allergies, asthma or acid reflux. Treat the underlying condition and you should get some cough relief.
For instance, inside the home you can reduce indoor allergens by getting rid of carpet, vacuuming regularly and using air filtration.
Natural Decongestants may help eliminate sinus drainage, removing that source of throat irritation.
Note: In the coughing photos in the post, I’m demonstrating coughing into your arm. This is the preferred option to keep your germs to yourself.
Even with coughing into a tissue and frequent hand washing, when you cover your mouth with your hands, there’s more risk of sharing any illness with those around you.

When You Need More Than Home Remedies for Cough
Remember – If coughing is severe, hangs around more than a couple weeks or produces thick mucus, please see a trained medical professional.
If you can’t breathe or start coughing up blood, get emergency medical attention.
#1 – Our Go to Home Remedy for Cough – Honey and Cinnamon
A spoonful of honey for cough is one of the easiest and best home remedies for cough. We recommend getting honey from a local organic beekeeper, if you cant get local, get your favorite pure raw honey.
In a study comparing the use of honey, dextromorphin and no treatment for coughing children, “parents rated honey most favorably for symptomatic relief of their child’s nocturnal cough and sleep difficulty due to upper respiratory tract infection.”
Add cinnamon, and you get an extra dose of antibacterial and anti-viral herbal goodness. Note: The CDC recommends that raw honey not be used for children under 2 years of age due to botulism concerns.
To make a homemade cough syrup with honey and cinnamon, pour about ½ cup of honey into a small container ( I used an 8 ounce mason jar) and mix in about ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon.
For children over two and adults, treat a cough with a spoonful of honey or honey and cinnamon as needed. Both cinnamon and honey are anti-bacterial and anti-viral, and the honey coats and soothes the throat.

#2 – Lemon Juice
Lemon juice helps to loosen and clear phlegm. It also gives you a dose of immune boosting vitamin C. See “Vitamin C for Colds – How Much Do You Need and Best Food Sources” for more vitamin C information.
To use lemon as a cough remedy, you can mix it with your honey, make a lemon gargle (1/4 cup water plus 2 tablespoons lemon), or mix up a cup of warm honey sweetened lemonade.
The Coconut Mama made up a sweet and gentle honey and lemon cough medicine for her little girl using 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 4 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons coconut oil, stirred together and gently heated until the coconut oil is melted. She recommends using one spoonful as needed for cough, or stirring it into hot tea.
Store your homemade cough syrup in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to one month. This cough remedy is good for dry and scratchy throats.
#3 – Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry syrup is a great home remedy for coughs, especially for kids.
We have two different elderberry syrup recipes on the site. See “How to Make Elderberry Syrup with Fresh or Dried Elderberries” for the recipes.
You can also order real elderberry syrup online. Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup is USDA certified organic elderberry syrup.
Order Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup here
#4 – Herbal Tea
Hot herbal tea helps to ease congestion, keep you hydrated and soothe irritated tissues. Some of the best herbal teas for cough remedies include:
- Ginger tea
- Sage
- Thyme
- Linden (also known as tilia or basswood)
- Lemon balm
- Horehound (more commonly used in cough and sore throat lozenges and syrups)
- Rosemary
- Peppermint
To make herbal tea, place one teaspoon of dried herb (or several slices of fresh ginger) in a mug and cover with eight ounces of warm water.
Cover with a lid or plate to trap the steam and steep for about 10 minutes. Strain and add honey and lemon if desired.
You can also use several herbs together, such as in this herbal cold and flu tea recipe, or buy herbal tea bags such as Gypsy Cold Care.
#5 – Herbal Cough Lozenges
You can purchase herbal lozenges like: Honey Lemon Ricola, Berry Ricola or Ludens Wild Cherry. If you are planning ahead you can make your own. The herbs soothe as well as fight the underlying illness. Menthol cough drops numb the throat, which is good for cough suppressing.
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Here is a great tutorial recently with two different easy homemade cough lozenge recipes.
#6 – Steam
Few things are more comforting than a warm, steamy shower for loosening congestion and opening air ways. This is likely to provide only temporary relief, but it sure feels good.
Keeping a humidifier running to add moisture to the air will also help a dry cough/itchy throat. This is one of the safest cough remedies for small children.
Note: Make sure to keep your humidifier clean, so you’re not growing mold or bacteria.
#7 – Cold Air
We came across this remedy by accident when our youngest had a croupy cough as a baby.
During the course of taking him in to the ER one night when he was really miserable, we found that transporting him in the cold air helped to relieve his cough.
The doctor advised us to use this trick again as needed if he was hit with another coughing attack. The cold air helps reduce the swelling and inflammation in the throat.
This treatment by Dr. Cindy Gellner in an interview with The Scope University of Utah Health Radio:
Dr. Gellner: That barking cough you hear is called croup, a sound that can cause a lot of concern and rightfully so. …
So what is croup?
Croup is actually a viral infection of the vocal cords and the trachea, which is the windpipe. It causes a tight, low pitched, barking cough.
It actually sounds like your child is a seal with how they’re barking. They can also have a hoarse voice leading up to it.
Sometimes they have a vibrating, raspy sound when they breathe in called stridor. …
So how can you treat stridor?
One of the best things to do when you’re at home is get the shower all steamy up and get your child in the bathroom, because warm, moist air seems to work best to relax the vocal cords and break the stridor. A humidifier, not a hot vaporizer, but a cool mist humidifier also will help with getting the swelling down.
Cold air also helps relieve stridor. If it’s cold outside, take your child outdoors. If it’s not cold outside, you can actually hold your child in front of an open freezer door and have them take a few deep breaths in.
#8 – Herbal Cough Syrup
There are many variations of herbal cough syrup, but this season I’ve been using Rosemary Gladstar’s “Cough-be-Gone and Sore Throat Syrup”.
It’s made with an assortment of herbs and sweetened with honey. You can find the full recipe at this Herbal Cold and Cough Care article.
#9 – Peppermint
Sucking on a peppermint candy or sipping a small amount of peppermint schnapps may also help calm a cough. Peppermint tea is another option.
If cough is accompanied by sinus drainage and mild upset stomach due to sinus drainage, peppermint tea will also calm the stomach upset.
#10 – Milk and Butter or Golden Milk
Combine 1 cup of warm milk with two tablespoons sweet butter to relieve dry coughs.
This works better for a dry, unproductive cough (not much mucus), because it coats and relaxes the throat.
Warm coconut milk blended into golden milk with turmeric and other spices coats the throat and reduces inflammation.
My friend Jessica has three recipe variations for golden milk on her website. You can also purchase golden milk powder online to mix into your coconut milk.
#11 – Booze
There’s a reason many over the counter medications contain alcohol. Alcohol kills bacteria and acts as a counter-irritant in the throat (thus the burn on the way down).
Adults may opt for a simple shot of liquor as a home remedy to calm their cough. Mom used to dose us with a spoonful of peppermint schnapps.
#12 – Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Root
Slippery elm is good for sore throats and sore bellies. It was commonly used in colonial America.
Because it is hydrophilic and absorbs a lot of water, it gets a slippery, somewhat gelatinous texture mixed with warm water. Marshmallow root behaves similarly.
I made up a batch of slippery elm for a scratchy cough using about 1 cup water and 2 tablespoons powdered slippery elm, and seasoned it with just a sprinkle of salt and a dab of honey.
Did we miss any home remedies for cough?
Did your favorite home remedies for cough not make the list? Leave us a comment and let us know.
You may also enjoy other posts in our Home Remedies series, including:
- 12 Home Remedies for Earaches
- 15 Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies
- Natural Remedies for Common Colds and Flu
This post is provided for general information only and is not meant to replace a trained healthcare provider. If pain is severe, incapacitating or lasts more than 24 hours, please see a trained health professional for treatment.
Originally posted in 2012, last updated in 2022.
my body emissions and when speaking the breathe from my mouth makes people cough or sneeze. whenever this is happen I discover I might fall sick. what’s the cause?
Often when we are unwell or our bodies are fighting off illness, our breath or other body odor changes as part of the natural immune response. if you notice this happening, extra self care like rest, probiotics or immune strengthening foods and herbs may be a good idea.
My grandmother best, confirmed by my family and friends
Take a radish with a diameter bigger than a cup to have it sitting stable. In the bottom side cut to have 12 mm circle without peel. In the upper part make a conical “crater” 30 mm in diameter and about 40-50 mm deep. Fill the crater with sugar, place the “processed” Radish on top of the glass. Leave overnight and you’ll get in the morning the elixir. Drink as is and repeat if necessary. Good health.
Hmmm…interesting. This is the first time I’ve heard of this remedy.
I use rum and coffee liquor, 20% alcohol. I just take a very tiny sip. The downside, when you drive, you can’t have an open container in the car. So I will try peppermint tea mixed with molasses(I really like straight molasses, probably why I enjoy evenings with Capt Morgan).
Aye, aye, sir, small sips.
For night time hacking cough quarter an onion and put it on your night stand. Relieves coughing and you get a good nights sleep.
Have you actually tried this? I’ve seen this passed around on social media, but have never seen a logical explanation of how it works. Onions to not attract germs, and the sulfenic acid gas they emit causes tearing and irritation, but I’ve never heard of it calming a cough. There’s more info in the post “Why Do Onions Make You Cry?“.
Ice pack on the skin of your throat. Reduces swelling and inhibits need to cough.
Thanks, Chris.
We are planning to try a pine needle cough syrup made with honey as we are surrounded by pine trees.
I know my friend, Colleen, over at Grow, Forage, Cook, Ferment does a lot with evergreens, including teas.
Three thoughts if I can remember them all.
1 – to sooth cough etc. Hot jello. Not the way you normally would. Just heat a cup of water and stir in 3 or 4 teaspoons, or more, to taste and sip to enjoy. I prefer raspberry or strawberry but any flavor would work. Lemon might even help the congestion a bit more. Just be careful of the hot liquid especially with younger children. I keep a small sealed container of dry jello powder in pantry for use anytime.
2 – a trick from my physical therapist. For a one sided headache or neck ache or spasm, wrap a heating pad or hot wrap around the opposite foot. It really works. I have even heated both feet when my whole head aches.
3 – still cannot remember this one.
4 – just remembered this one though. When sinuses are really congested, if I take the time and vocalize (like singers do), especially in the upper registers, the vibrations can help loosen things up so they can drain. I haven’t thought about for chest congestion, but localizing in the lower tones might help.
Yes, I can agree with the earlier comment about sugar curing hiccups too.
Hope I haven’t been too wordy or off topic.
Thanks, Carol.
New Mom
My 6 mtn old has had a very bad cold for little over a month.when I take him to his pediatrician they just give him zarbees and send us home..it will work for like a few days ..but then his cough comes back 5 times worse.what can I give him that is natural and will help with his cold cough chest congestion.nasal congestion.please help
New Mom
I think you need to have a talk with your pediatrician and make sure they know how long he’s been having trouble. This does not sound like a normal cold/cough. It’s lasted way too long. He may have walking pneumonia, or allergies causing post nasal drip that triggers the cough, or something else entirely. Either way, please take him in and make sure they know how long he has been sick.
For symptom relief while you wait for your appointment, #1, 2, 3, #5, #6, #7 and #10 may help, but please get professional care.
For dry cough you can use black pepper with Honey, It is really helpful in lubricating throat.
My Mom used granulated sugar and black pepper to calm a cough. I don’t know the measurements. Just a small amount worked.
Thank you, Shirley. A friend one mine used to use sugar to cure hiccups, but no pepper.
If you or your child are asthmatic or have regular breathing problems DO NOT try the cold air thing of its really cold for the are in which you live…. it doesn’t work and makes coughs worse
I have always found good luck with Ricola lemon with echinacea. It can usually stop my colds/bugs in their tracks. However, this time, I got something a little rougher that turned into a deep sinus infection with bronchitis. I used doTerra eucalyptus oil mixed with fractionated coconut oil and rubbed it on my chest several times a day. It soothed my bronchial tubes and kept my cough loose….but in this case in the end I needed antibiotics. I had too many things attacking my body at one time.
I’m glad you got help when you needed it. There have been a lot of nasty bugs making the rounds this year.
All the above tips are true for the cough. I used to have another variant, which can be easily given to the kids too. Take half bottle of honey, add ginger pieces and garlic to make up to 80% of the bottle. Keep it room temperature. This mixture is ready to use in a week. When someone getting the symptoms of sour throat or cough, have one spoon of honey from the mixture. Repeat two three times if required. This mixture has a long shelf life, so this could be very handy when required. I stopped giving antibiotics to my children after trying this.
Thanks for sharing all these remedies! very helpful.
What a great catch. Have used many of these at various times. Use of honey and slippery elm as a base are in my favorites.
Couldn’t agree more on the herbal teas part- ginger tea works the best!
Hi, thanks for sharing these remedies. I use a mixture of 2 teaspoons turmeric powder,3 or 4 tablespoons honey and 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. I adjust the honey according to taste. Mix it up and have a teaspoon 2 or 3 times daily. It breaks up the phlegm in a day. I used this mixture minus the honey for my infant son as well when he got real bad cough and flu.
Take care
Thanks for sharing, Sally. Turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory.
I’ve recently caught a cold and I’m coughing all the time. 🙁 I hope some of those home remedies will help me. Thanks for the tips!
I hope you feel better soon.
Great Article
Thanks for the information 🙂
Thanks for sharing all these natural home remedies! I can’t wait to try them out! I am always on the look out for great remedies 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Michelle. 🙂
Well I will say that all of these remedies are marvelous. Especially the booze lol im totally kidding. Anywho I did the honey and cinnamon and mixed lemon with it and it soothed my cough within about 10 minutes.
I’m a tea-totaler, so booze is a rare option for me, too.
A cough can be caused by a number of factors: illness, environment, or simple throat irritation. When you cough, it is your body’s way of trying to expel phlegm or other irritants that are in your respiratory system. Most conditions that can cause a cough are not life-threatening. There are many over-the-counter and prescription treatments for cough, but you might start with a tried and true home remedy for this ailment: honey and lemon!
Benefits of Honey and Lemon for Cough
The combination of honey and lemon is a traditional cure for cough that has gained a great deal of respect in the medical community due to the individual and combined power of the ingredients.
Honey has known antibacterial properties that can rid your body of the harmful bacteria causing the cough. Honey is full of vital nutrients including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and fluoride that repair and stimulate tissue growth and act as anti-oxidants to remove the harmful free radicals that are in your body. The best honey is low in water content so naturally attracts water to be used in surrounding tissues.
Lemon is very high in vitamin C; in fact, the juice of one lemon contains 1/3 of the recommended daily allowance for an adult. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins to help the immune system and it also acts as another powerful anti-oxidant. Lemons also have been shown to have very strong antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Recipes of Honey and Lemon for Cough
There are several easy-to-make “recipes” for cough using ingredients you probably have at home. The basis for each of these recipes is, of course, honey and lemon, so be sure to keep local honey and fresh lemons on hand.
Comment and Instruction
Honey and Lemon Juice
The simplest recipe is a combination of 1-cup of warm, local honey and 3-tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Add ¼ cup of warm water the mixture and then stir until smooth.
Take 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture at the first sign of cough and be sure to take a dose before bed for a good night’s sleep.
Refrigerated, the leftover mixture so be fine for up to a month.
Honey and Lemon Juice with Vegetable Glycerin
Although you may not have Vegetable glycerin at home, it is a good ingredient because it has great moisturizing properties. This recipe is particularly good if you have a raw, scratchy throat.
In a saucepan, boil an uncut lemon in water for 10 minutes.
Cut the lemon and squeeze the juice.
Mix in 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of Vegetable glycerin.
Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture to relieve a cough and scratchy throat.
Refrigerate the leftovers for later use.
Honey and Lemon Juice with Garlic
If you have congestion that is causing your cough, add some garlic to help break down the phlegm causing the congestion.
Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a sauce pan.
Finely grate about 1/8 teaspoon of garlic into the lemon.
Add one cup of water and bring the mixture to a boil.
Pour the mixture into a cup, mix in 1 tablespoon of honey, and drink the mixture.
If you want to make a larger quantity, double or triple the recipe and refrigerate the leftover mixture for future use.
Honey and Lemon Juice with Ginger
For a cough you just cannot get rid of, add some ginger! Ginger contains many essential oils and antioxidants but also contains oleoresin which is a great cough suppressant.
Grate about 1 tablespoon of ginger root into a sauce pan with 2 cups of water.
Squeeze the juice of ½ lemon into the mixture and bring it to a boil.
After boiling, take the pan off the heat and let it cool for 20 minutes.
Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey and drink the mixture.
Honey and Lemon Juice with Coconut Oil
Another ingredient you may have to purchase is coconut oil. Rich in antioxidants, antibacterial, and antiviral substances, coconut oil may provide a boost to the immune system and may help decrease the severity and length of an illness.
Mix 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, ¼ cup of honey and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a sauce pan.
Heat until the coconut oil is melted; do not boil this mixture!
Take a tablespoon of the mixture and refrigerate the rest for later.
NOTE: Because the coconut oil will harden, you will have to heat the mixture each time you want to use it.
Warnings of Using Honey and Lemon for Cough
Before using honey and lemon as a home remedy for cough, there are a few warnings you should be aware of:
If you are allergic to either ingredient, do NOT use these recipes!
If you have heartburn or gallbladder disease, consult your healthcare provider before using concentrated lemon.
Wsh your teeth 40 minutes after the use of Lemon juice because its acidity can harm the enamel of your teeth.
Before using this remedy on your child, consult the pediatrician.
Honey contains a form of botulism that may be deadly to children under the age of 12 months old. Do NOT give honey to these children! Try to always buy local or pure honey (lets save the bees)
If you cough up green, yellow or blood-streaked phlegm, you should consult your doctor.
If your cough is accompanied by fever, shortness of breath, or noisy breathing, consult your doctor.
Best solution for me is manuka honey. One tablespoon before bed. Take it without water. Works every time.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Kenny.
Thanks Kenny, pls may i ask which type of honey is manuka honey, and where can i fine it.
Manuka is a specific type of honey (manuka honey). You can learn more about it here: https://commonsensehome.com/honey-as-medicine/
Laurie, You have some excellent suggestions for cough relief. So many people have to deal with coughing and it can really make you feel bad. Thanks and I will be sharing this for sure!
Thanks, Shelley. Unfortunately, it’s that time of year when people are coming down with an assortment of ailments, so I hope this post will be helpful to many.
I have asthma and my chiropractor advised when I get an attack or my chest is tight, take a shower and make the water as cool as you can. Stay there for a few minutes…..this truly works GREAT! Sometimes in the morning, I will take a “cold” shower to start my day.
I didn’t see corn bags mentioned. When my throat is scratchy I will warm up a corn bag and lay down with it on my neck, at night, when I go to bed. It is usually gone the next morning.
For head congestion, put a couple of cloves of garlic into a mixture of 1 cup water and 1 cup (apple cider) vinegar. boil the mixture and breathe in the steam by wafting it toward you with your hand. Be careful! The hot steam can burn you if you inhale directly over the pot or get your hand too close!
There are some wonderful ideas in here, and as it happens I have a sore throat and cough. AND I’m an ESL conversation instructor, which means losing my voice is truly more than inconvenient. Going to try that honey and cinnamon one for sure tonight.
In ‘purchased’ rather than homemade, I have to second Ricola. They are much milder than the strong menthol in Halls or similar, which I have to spit out about halfway because it just freezes my whole mouth! Ricola’s herbal taste is pleasant, and the result definitely soothing.
And I love my ‘Sniffle Kit’ from HeavenScent. It contains a rub (beeswax, coco oil, soy, menthol, eucalyptus, camphor, rosemary, hyssop, and peppermint) which is really effective, a mini inhaler and the essential oils to refill it, a healing lip balm, and some teabags. I think I bought it over a year and a half ago (I live overseas) and it’s still going strong.
Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup works great. Got at health food store.
For overall colds and flu, and broncial stuff, I can’t recommend enough Congaplex, from Standard Process. You have to get it from providers but I think you can order it online. I take 3 capaules, 3x’s a day with meals and within 2 days usually, whatever it is is gone. Yesterday I felt bronchitis coming on and I immediately started on it. This morning my cough is now more loose and breaking up and I’m coughing less. Hopefully by this time tomorrow it will be much better. The stuff is amazing. Also, i’m not a coffee or tea drinker but like the feeling of the warm liquid. So I heat up a cup of water and put a Stevia packet in it. I don’t eat sugar so sipping on warm, sweet water is a treat for me and is soothing to the throat.
Congaplex is available online at amazon – http://amzn.to/17LMDud
Warm liquid is a wonderful thing for sore throats and congestion.
If interested in Thieves, you can contact me at: http://www.oil-testimonials.com/1511894 and send me an e-mail from there. Thank You.
Thieves Lozenges are key with any sickness, including headache. Infused with essential oils: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Peppermint.
Actually, they are pre-made, to purchase. You can also spray the back of your throat with Thieves spray. (make by adding 3-4 drops Thieves essential oil blend to a small, travel-sized spray bottle filled with distilled or purified water. It is slightly numbing and useful as cough medicine. Amazing that the same concoction can also be used to clean with because Thieves essential oil is a blend of highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-infectious essential oils. How to Use this Antibacterial Essential Oil Blend. I also have 50+ other uses for it…..
1. For sickness – diffuse in the air or use topically or internally via capsule
2. House cleaning
3. As a mouthwash
4. Dental issues – occasionally swish with 1-2 tsp of coconut oil with about 4 drops of antibacterial oils added to address dental concerns.
5. Wound Healing, etc………
There are homemade versions of this though.
I use doTERRA so I use OnGuard personally, but there is a Thieves recipe online.
Make sure you use theraupeudic grade oils that can be put on your skin.
Again, I use doTERRA, but balance test to find out what works best for you.
I used Young Living before, and wasn’t impressed (didn’t notice any results for any of the oils), but doTERRA had a result for me (relieved all issues I was trying to resolve, using same types of oils, just doTERRA brand instead).
So find out what works for YOU! 😀
Homemade Anti-infectious Recipes
In a dark glass bottle add the following essential oils:
Recipe #1
40 drops of Clove Essential Oil
35 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
20 drops of Cinnamon Essential Oil
15 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
10 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil
Recipe #2
200 drops of Clove Oil
175 drops of Lemon Oil
100 drops of Cinnamon Bark
75 drops of Eucalyptus Oil
50 drops of Rosemary Oil
Recipe #3
1 tbs. Clove Essential Oil
1 tbs. Lemon Essential Oil
2 ½ tsp. Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
2 tsp. Eucalyptus Essential Oil
2 tsp. Rosemary Essential Oil
Recipe #4
2 tsp Clove Oil
1 1/2 tsp Lemon Oil
1 tsp Cinnamon Bark Oil
3/4 tsp Eucalyptus Oil
1/2 tsp Rosemary Oil
Great lineup. I can vouch for the cold option. Sharing on Fb now :).
Thanks, Adrienne. I need to make up another batch of elderberry syrup before cold season hits out of the juice in the pantry. That and the honey are our personal favorites.
For Remedies #11 and #12 you link to the Amazon book “Home Remedies What Works”.
Amazon says the book is “Currently unavailable”.
It’s an older book (published back in the 1990’s), so copies are getting hard to find, but I wanted to note that I did use it for a reference. I linked some similar books at the bottom of the post that are currently available.
#10 most definitely works and unless there’s an infection set it will get rid of your cough soon. My Mammaw would keep a toddy of Jack Daniels and a King Lion peppermint stick in a small jelly jar. The peppermint eventually melts and that’s when it’s ready. She gave it to us all the time and took it herself too! Yes we were kids! A couple teaspoons of JD never hurt a single thing. Nowadays she probably would have CPS pay her a visit and my mom, aunt and uncle taken away from her or my brother and I if people knew she gave that to us. Yet they give their own kids Robitussin like it’s no big deal. Ever read how much alcohol is in there? None of us had to be told not to take the entire bottle or have it locked up like Ft Knox the way these hellions being raised today do. Can’t get any medicines OTC anymore because they aren’t smart enough not to shoot it up their arm or worse somewhere else
So true on the alcohol on OTC cough meds, plus other strange ingredients. One of my brothers got buzzed on cough meds when he was around 12. He kept taking more because he kept coughing, ugh, yeah buddy, not the best idea. I’ll take the simple booze and mint (which mom left on an open shelf, when it sat and collected dust, except for on special occasions).
I make a Wild Turkey peppermint cough medicine every year or as needed. I’m sure if the right person found out they wouldn’t hesitate to call CPS on me. I make all different types of home remedies that my grandmother made/used, and it didn’t hurt any of her 9 kids, 26 grandkids, or 22 great grandkids!! So I figure it’s safe for my kids!
My grandmother made a cough syrup that works when others don’t
She used a pint jar with lid.
Pint of good whiskey
1 orange cut in slices and put in the jar
a box of sugar crystal candy
Put the orange in the jar fill with the whiskey. Take the sugar crystal candy and put it in and close the lid
leave till the sugar candy dissolves take the orange out and anyone can eat it.
Dose is a Tablespoon when you need it. It works when everything else don’t.
Thanks for sharing your grandmother’s recipe.
Here is an interesting bit: I just came from my doctor’s office with a nasty case of bronchitis that is trying to turn into pneumonia. He told me to take honey and cinnamon, roughly three parts honey to one part cinnamon (tbsp of honey to a tsp of cinnamon for example) and warm it as warm as you can handle it (not so hot it burns but warm enough to help your throat) and swallow a couple teaspoons just before bed. He says it is better than any over the counter cough suppressant out there, and says it beat out dextromethorphan in clinical trials. Obviously make sure you are not allergic to either honey or cinnamon, but if you are not, people this is from a real live MD. They are beginning to incorporate more and more holistic things instead of just reaching for drugs.
That’s great! Nice to see a doc moving beyond popping pills. I hope your cough clears up soon.
Your MD is right I tried this and it works. My cough was gone in two days. Thanks for sharing it.
Will this also help break up the cough or merely stiffle it
My 20 yr old son got sick a few weeks back and that @$%% cough hasn’t gone away. Last week, he got sick again, sneezing, temperature, phlegm, cough….the works. He was in bed for 3 days, today is the first day he was well enough to leave the house. But, that cough!!! I still hear it! Gonna try this right now…???????????????? Wish me(or him) luck!
I was given tequila with honey and cinnamon in Mexico while on vacation. I had bronchitis and the elderly lady who made it for me said it would calm the cough and help my body fight off the bronchitis. Imagine my surprise when it worked! She said it has to be real tequila not American made so look for one made in Mexico.
1 cup tequila
1 cup pure honey
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Mix all together in bottle until honey dissolves 1 shot before bed. Obviously this is not for children!!! Cynthia R
Thanks, Cynthia.
When I was a kid my Mom and Grandma made a cough medicine by slicing a raw white union just like you would slice to put on a sandwich, she then placed these slices in a shallow bowl and poured 1 cup of white sugar over the slices and places the bowl to the side with a thin white towel she called a tea towel,the union wilts in the bowl and gets juicy, Mom would then mash the remaining Juice from the onion slices and remove them from the bowl mixing the sugar and juice giving us one tablespoon (Not Teaspoon)every 4 hours or as necessary and the only side effect was, no body wanted to kiss you!!
I’m 64 now, never missed school and still use Mom’s Magic ( That’s what I call it) for coughs
Sometimes moms have the best magic there is. 🙂
Just found this wonderful page after waking up AGAIN with a cough so hard I couldn’t catch my breath. I know this post is old, but I’m confused. Is it just the onion juice that’s being taken or the mashed onion too?
It sounds like just the juice was used.
@ doTerra Mother..I’d be careful using eucalytpus radiata on babies..Radiata smithii would be the better one to use, eucalyptus radiata and globulus are recommended for adults..love Ravevsara, lemon and peppermint..Also, peppermint essential oil is not recommended for children under 7years old, as there have been reports that the menthol fumes can be toxic to little ones, even when applied topically. Also, the menthone, which is a keytone can also be toxic. Spearmint is recommended for babies, known as the ‘peppermint for babies’. It is imperative to know the blending factors of each essential oil also, as they are extremely powerful. One can not be just adding essential oils, without any prior knowledge concerning their chemical constituents etc..Yes therapeutic grade, or organic is definitely the way to go, and whatever you do, do not use adulterated oils..bless 🙂
Oopsey, @ doTerra, I meant ‘Eucalyptus Smithii’ for children, babies..not radiata smithii..
Nothing wrong with essential oils, but I tend to become especially hesitant when someone chimes into the discussion by trying to subtly promote their MLM products (especially involving health or medicinal topics).
Not only do their products cost outrageous amounts (because they have to cover the costs of paying their downlines), but the science is usually way off and the quality of their product is questionable. Hence you get a lot of brand ambassadors who regurgitate the same language that their uplines feed them and assume everyone they tell this to has no scientific or medical frame of reference (easily gullible). Sorry I am very protective of consumers when it comes to doTerra or anything of the like.
I cut thyme, oregano, mint, and rosemary from my garden and crunch it up in a bowl of just boiled water and inhale the steam. Thyme and oregano both have antimicrobial properties and the steam helps loosen your cough and open airways. You could also use this combination of herbs as a tea with honey, which is also antibacterial.
This post is fabulous! I’m always cursing myself when I have a cough and no medicine lying around. Now I can make my own! Love it!
My favorite thing about the home remedies is that they help without the bizarre side effects of OTC meds.
I mixed honey with boiled leaves of oregano plus ginger. It works for me.Try it.
Sounds like all good things. 🙂
Fantastic! Throw in a bit of peppermint and it’ll be even stronger! Not to mention that it’ll perk you up, too!
The milk and butter was a good thing for colds also — but you have to add minced garlic. In the morning, you are all better! Grandma’s potion!
One strange cough remedy i have heard is to rub Vick’s Vapo-rub on the Cougher’s feet. I tried it on myself the last time I had a cold and don’t know if it was the Vicks, or just the idea, but it really seemed to work!
I’d believe it. Your whole body is connected, and I’ve had good luck clearing a rash on my knees by using detox deodorant on my feet – https://commonsensehome.com/product-review-herbalix-deodorants/
I use the vicks on my feet and I have a very bad cough that the only thing the doctor gives me that works is a narcotic and I don’t want to have to take that any more then I have to.But the vicks works for me always,just rub it on and put on a pair of socks.
I just want to mention that slippery elm is on its way to becoming endangered. Its better to find your own source and see if you can harvest without harm.
I checked with Mountain Rose Herbs about their slippery elm, and here is the response I received:
“According to my conversation with our Lab Manager, slippery elm is endangered in some areas. However, Mountain Rose Herbs sources its slippery elm from harvesters who want to continue the population. They are harvesters who work consciously to promote it. Please let me know if I can offer additional information.”
What a helpful post! Good idea to pull all this info together! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Sharon. BTW, if anyone is browsing through these comments and would like to explore more information about all things herbal, do visit Sharon’s site at The Woodwife’s Journal.
i was told this by an aunt., and it had been used over a hundred years ago. used for all of my children and still use for myself. wrap neck in a cloth that has been soaked in very cold water and wrung out, wrap again in large wool sock or scarf, pin in place, will usually stop a cough within minutes. i caught a bad cold just a week ago, could not breathe, this stopped cough, relaxed me enough to get my breath. TRY IT.
That’s interesting. I wonder how/why that works?
I too have found that a cold rag on the throat works. My grandmother was a nurse and she said that it relaxes the muscles in the throat and that helps them not to cough as bad. I had 2 kids with croup and never once had to take them to the hospital.
I had coup as a child a cold wet washcloth put around my neck plus cough medicine work. I used this on my children when
This really does work! A friend of mine who believes in holistic remedies had me do this and I couldn’t believe it had I not experienced it myself!