10 Home Remedies for Headaches – Pain Relief without Pills

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These home remedies for headaches help you naturally relieve the pain without Big Pharma, and many of them are free or low cost. You don’t have to worry about going to the drug store anymore when you can get relief right at home.

woman with headache

Home Remedies for Headaches

I’ve used all of these remedies at one time or another, depending on the type of headache. Remember, everyone is unique. If one option doesn’t work, try another, until you find the right one for you.

Self-care is a critical part of resilience. The old saying about “not being able to pour from an empty cup” is as true as ever.

#1 – Hydrate

Drinking water is the first thing I do when I have a headache. Dehydration is a common cause of headaches (and muscle aches). Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of non-caffeinated beverages over the course of the day.

Skip the soda, especially diet soda, as zero calorie sweeteners are a headache trigger for many. Excess sugar ties up magnesium in the body. Low magnesium is another potential headache trigger, so soda or plain juice may hurt more than they help. Plain water or infused water, water kefir, coconut water, and herbal tea are all great options.

Note – while they’re not the best for hydration, caffeinated drinks may help with headache pain. We all know people who can’t function without a cup (or a pot) of coffee.

#2 – Magnesium

Low levels of magnesium in the blood are commonly associated with headaches. This is especially common in women, particularly with migraines and headaches related to the menstrual cycle.

Use up to 400 – 700 mg of oral magnesium daily. Excess magnesium taken orally can put a strain on the kidneys, so don’t overdose. Incorporate magnesium-rich foods into your diet, such as:

  • Dark chocolate
  • Spinach
  • Almonds
  • Avocado
  • Molasses

For more magnesium, try Epsom salt baths or magnesium cream to absorb it through the skin. Order bioavailable magnesium here.

Earthley Good Night Lotion with magnesium
Topical magnesium cream is a great way to boost magnesium levels.

#3 – Cold or Heat

Cold constricts blood vessels, which may reduce pain and inflammation. Try applying a cold compress on your forehead or at the base of the skull at the first sign of a headache.

Alternatively, if your muscles are very tense, try heat as a pain reliever. Place a hot pack or heating pad on tight neck muscles, or soak in a warm bath.

Core Products is a Wisconsin company that creates a wide variety of fabric products, including hot and cold packs. I learned about them through one of my closest friends, who is one of their product designers.

She gifted me with a hot and cold pack many years ago, and I liked it so much I’ve purchased several more over the years. These packs have frost free covers filled with non-toxic, biodegradable gel. I keep some small ones in the freezer and I use larger ones with heat.

To treat headaches with cold, I recommend the 6″x10″ CorPak Soft Comfort Frost-Free Hot/Cold Pack. For heat, go with the larger 6” x 20”Cervical Soft Comfort Hot and Cold Pack. This size is large enough to drape over the shoulders, where most people store a lot of tension.

hot pack on shoulders
Drape a hot pack over the shoulders to relax the muscles and relieve tension.

#4 – Napping

Find a cool, dark, quiet room and take a 10-15 minute nap. This tends to work better for migraines and tension headaches, but can make cluster headaches (those with stabbing pain around the eyes) worse.

Note that too much sleep or a significant disruption in your sleep schedule can trigger headaches. Stick to a regular sleep schedule and reduce screen time before bed. Aim to keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.

I used to put a pillow over my head (just leaving an air hole) to block out light and noise. About a year ago I bought a sleep mask, and I really like it. It’s handier than the pillow solution.

#5 – Movement

This is a great option for tension headache relief, as physical activity helps to relieve muscle tension. Your muscles want to stay doing whatever they’re doing, which can lead to them knotting up and shutting you down.

Get up, take a walk, swing your arms and get that blood flowing and those muscles relaxing. If you can walk outside, even better. Do some deep breathing while you’re at it to help increase oxygenation and blood flow.

#6 – Massage

Massage is a great headache remedy that you can use almost anywhere. A gentle head massage can stimulate blood circulation and reduce headache severity.

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Rub in gentle circles on the pressure points located at:

  • The area between your eyebrows
  • Temples
  • The base of the skull

Firmly massaging the neck and shoulders to relieve tension may also be helpful. The quick video below demonstrates a simple massage technique to soothe headaches naturally.

#7 – Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a classic home remedy for headaches. It may help balance blood sugar levels and improve detoxification. The acetic acid in vinegar things mucus and reduces sinus congestion.

Stir a tablespoon of ACV into a cup of water, or mix up a glass of apple cider vinegar tea. I know it sounds odd, but the flavor’s not bad and it’s great for sinus headaches. You can even make your own homemade vinegar with this recipe, which has a really nice apple flavor.

#8 – Cayenne Pepper

Relieving headaches via cayenne pepper is a top choice for people who have cluster headaches. To use cayenne, inhale a very small amount up the nose, place some on the tip of the tongue, or mix it with water and drink. I have not sniffed cayenne (on purpose), but I do use some in my ACV tea.

#9 – Herbal Tea

Herbal teas can relax and soothe. Some herbs commonly recommended for headaches and migraines are:

To brew herbal tea for medicinal use: Place one teaspoon of dried herbs into the bottom of a mug and cover with hot water. Cover your cup with a small plate or lid to trap volatile compounds and brew for 10-15 minutes.

Strain and sweeten with honey, if desired, and drink.

Avoid using any herbs or essential oils if you have a known allergy to them.

#10 – Essential Oils

For headache treatment with essential oils, try any of the following:

  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Eucalyptus
  • Patchouli
  • Basil
  • Marjoram
  • Lavender
  • Clove

The simplest and safest way to use essential oils is aromatherapy. Try inhaling a bit from an open bottle, or place 1-3 drops of oil on a tissue or diffuser necklace and inhale.

I like tucking a tissue with EOs on it into a chest shirt pocket. This keeps the oil in range, but not too close, and keeps my hands free. Also, if you find a particular oil makes your symptoms worse instead of better, you can toss the tissue.

Diffuser necklaces are a nice option, too, because they are easy to wear and remove. Whole room treatments like diffusers take much longer to dissipate.

Expert Tip

Not all headaches are the same. Targeting your triggers, symptoms, and headache type will provide faster relief.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why not take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for headaches?

Common OTC headache remedies like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can have serious side effects, especially with long term use. Both may damage internal organs with extended use. Acetaminophen toxicity is the most common cause of liver transplantation in the US. It leads to over 500 deaths per year.

What’s the fastest way to get rid of a headache?

I always start with a glass of water, stretching to loosen tight muscles, and a change of activity, if possible. Taking a short walk outside really does help to clear your head.

What makes headaches worse?

Several lifestyle factors may cause headaches, including:

  • Alcohol, particularly red wine and beverages with sulfites
  • Certain foods, such as processed meats that contain nitrates or MSG
  • Changes in sleep or lack of sleep
  • Poor posture
  • Skipped meals
  • Stress
  • Dehydration

If you have chronic or severe headache pain, please see a healthcare professional. Always check with your healthcare provider if you are on prescription medications for possible interactions.

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    Remember, the best home remedy for a headache starts with identifying the type of headache and possible triggers. Then you can pick the remedy that’s best fit to give you fast relief.

    What are your favorite ways to ditch a headache? Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

    Author & Homesteader Laurie Neverman Profile Photo

    This article is written by Laurie Neverman. Laurie is a lifelong learner with a passion for natural remedies and holistic healing. She’s successfully improved her eyesight and cleared her psoriasis.

    Originally posted in 2012, last updated in 2024.

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    1. Hi, Laurie! I find myself prone to “weather headaches” which is a form of migraine brought about by changes in barometric pressure. I had bought amber necklaces for my grandchildren to wear when they were teething, and wondered if that would help my weather headache. I went online and ordered an adult size amber necklace, and wonder of wonders, it works! Strangely enough, I can still feel that there is pressure there, but the pain is gone. My husband (the scientist) asks me how it works scientifically, but I really don’t know. I just know it works.

      1. That is really interesting. I know sometimes I get joint aches or sinus headaches when there’s a front moving through, but I’ve never heard about using an amber necklace to treat headaches. Even if it’s some strange placebo effect, if it helps, it helps. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Allergic to feverfew and yarrow. Teaberry apparently is native so going to give it a try. I’ve heard that it tastes like Pepto Bismol from a couple of people as well as some who say it tastes like wintergreen. I don’t care for either of those flavors but if it helps I’ll happily start growing my own!

    3. I am pretty good at predicting a storm coming, as I usually get weather change related headaches. 1/2 of the lowest dose of Atenolol (25 MG tablet – split) takes it away even before the storm hits. I keep it with me so I can take it when I need it ASAP. It is a blood pressure med with this off use. Nothing else seemed to work for me. I bless the Dr. who suggested I try it.

    4. I have had migraines all my life and I get severe sinus headaches from my allergies i usually vomit with those the only thing that works is 2 extra strength excedrin no light no sound and sleep.

    5. Hi I look forward to trying these I wake up with a headache and I go to bed with one I take b c every 3 to 4 hours and it just gives me lil relief so I look forward to trying this is there one you would recommend first

      1. Dehydration would probably be the first thing I would check, since it is the easiest to address. Next – do you consume artificial sweeteners, of large amounts of sweetener beverages. Artificial sweeteners are excitotoxins, and damage your brain. Sugars tie up magnesium in your system, and low magnesium levels are also linked to headaches. You’ve got a trigger in your life if this condition is chronic, so you need to look for the trigger while addressing the symptoms.

    6. When i have a headache i go and brush my teeth for a bit longer then usual. Kind of like meditation. And it really works for me.

    7. I have suffered from migraines my whole life. I had been on the highest dose of inderal for years but when I became pregnant with my youngest I couldn’t take my medicine anymore. My midwife recommended I start taking B-2 400 mg a day. I had my doubts but oh my gosh!! Miracle! It is even on the migraine website. I have to say from someone that never trusted homeopathic remedies because of my long history of them not working, I was proved wrong.

        1. neither is magnesium, but it is mentioned as one above and if B vitamins work as the essentials in vitamins are often not consumed enough in our daily intake and yet are a natural substance in foods and plants, if it works that is awesome.

    8. I read somewhere that pineapple or pineapple juice will stop a headache…I happened to have one when I read that, so I ate a chunk of pineapple and the headache went right away! I later bought some of those small cans of pineapple juice and they seem to work good too!

    9. I just bought doTerra’s Past Tense, tension blend, it’s in a roll on bottle. But since buying it I haven’t needed to use it! That’s probably because I cut out soda… 🙁 I miss it, but I feel so much better!

      1. Make your own by using fresh organic-non gmo Fruits. Juice them and using Organic non Bleached Sugar! Monk as a Sweetener! Raw Organic Honey! Make a Concentrated Syrup and Using a GREAT SPARKLING MINERAL WATER.

        My Granddaughters like drinking SodaPop especially Sprite 😳 I make their Sprite Soda by using a Lemon and Lime Syrup and they LOVE IT 💚