12 Home Remedies for Sore Muscles – Simple, Safe Pain Relief
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Whether you’re dealing with delayed onset muscle soreness after workouts (and work) or sore muscles for “no reason at all”, something’s going on in your body to make you uncomfortable. In this post, we’ll talk about common causes of sore muscles and how to get rid of the ache, including topical treatments, essential oils and supplements.

Always remember, if pain is severe or incapacitating, please see your health care professional. This post is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to replace trained medical advice.
What Causes Sore Muscles?
Sore muscles may be linked to a variety of causes, including:
- Dehydration
- Exercise, injury or overuse
- Blood flow problems from illness or lack of activity
- Lack of minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium
- Certain medications, like statins, chemotherapy drugs and anesthetics
Soreness After Exercise
General soreness after exertion (Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)) is typically cause by micro tears in the muscle fibers. Lactic acid can also build up in the muscles, increasing irritation.
Over time as the tissue rebuilds itself stronger to accommodate the activity, muscle soreness should decrease. You can read more about this at “Understanding Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)“.
Are sore muscles a good sign?
It depends. Post workout soreness in the first 72 hours is normal, but soreness that lasts more than 5 days may be a sign of overexertion or damage. Gradually increasing the intensity of your workout (or work load) can help reduce the risk of injury.
Cramps, Sprains and Strains
A muscle cramp, is “a strong, painful contraction or tightening of a muscle that comes on suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes”.
A muscle sprain is “an injury to a ligament (tissue that connects two or more bones at a joint). In a sprain, one or more ligaments is stretched or torn”. A muscle strain is an injury to a muscle or a tendon (tissue that connects muscle to bone).
In a strain, a muscle or tendon is stretched or torn. Sprains and strains are generally caused by trauma (falls, twists, impacts) or overuse.
Muscle soreness from cramps can usually be addressed with home care. Sprains and strains may require professional care and physical therapy.
12 Home Remedies for Sore Muscles
These home treatment options for sore muscles cover ongoing self care as well after workout tips to get rid of muscle pain.
#1 – Prevent Sore Muscles with Water
Start simple. Dehydration can cause muscle soreness, hydration can help prevent it and clear it. It’s not a quick fix, it’s a general self-care tip. Stay hydrated!
#2 – Topical Magnesium – Epsom Salts and Magnesium Oil
Magnesium is natural muscle relaxant, and as salts, these compounds also help to pull excess fluids out of the tissues, reducing swelling. Most of us have a hard time getting enough magnesium in our diets, especially as we age. (Excess sugar consumption ties up magnesium, too.)
Topical magnesium targets muscle pain by getting the magnesium directly to the sore muscles. I love Earthley’s Good Night Lotion magnesium cream. It goes on smooth, not sticky, and absorbs quickly.
Epsom Salt for Muscle Pain Relief
Tried and true, a cup or two of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in a warm tub of water works wonders for aching muscles. Use warm water, not hot water.
For sore muscles, soak for 15 minutes or until the water has cooled, up to three times per week. Epsom salt baths are not recommended for those with health conditions such as heart problems, high blood pressure or diabetes.
Magnesium Oil Stops Leg Cramps
Magnesium oil (magnesium chloride in water) is typically applied with a spray pump bottle, which makes it easier to target on a specific area, such as a sore calf or foot. We keep a spray bottle next to the bed for nighttime leg cramps.
When leg cramps hit, the first thing we reach for is the spray bottle of magnesium oil, followed by a drink of water. If we’ve been doing heavy labor, we’ll spray on magnesium oil to prevent sore muscles and cramps.
Note: Magnesium oil has a slightly tacky feel when you spray it on, and does sting a little on freshly shaved legs. (It is a salt, after all.) The leg cramp relief far outweighs any minor sting at application.
#3 – Heat or Cold – Which is Better for Sore Muscles?
A warm shower or bath is a natural muscle relaxer, which can be great for tension knotted shoulders or muscles tight from overuse. While an ice pack used to be recommended for muscle sprains, research now indicates that cold slows down the body’s healing process.
The article “Is R.I.C.E. all wrong?” notes:
“Nearly everyone who ices today,” says veteran athletic trainer Gary Reinl, “believes they’re doing it to prevent inflammation, reduce swelling, and control pain. But here’s the problem: Icing doesn’t prevent inflammation or swelling; it only delays it.
Once tissues rewarm, the inflammatory process resumes and your body’s innate intelligence sends the correct amount of fluid to the damage site. Although icing can provide temporary pain relief, numbing just shuts off protective signals that alert you to harmful movement. And the Journal of Athletic Medicine Research recently showed that icing actually kills muscle cells.”
#4 – Oral Magnesium
Low levels of magnesium in the body can lead to general muscle soreness and muscle cramps. You may want to consider a magnesium supplement, but you can start by including foods that are high in magnesium in your diet.
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Some of the top food sources for magnesium are:
- molasses (see below)
- squash and pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
- spinach
- Swiss chard
- cocoa powder
- black beans
- flax seeds
- sesame seeds
- sunflower seeds
- almonds
- cashews
One Earth Clinic user says 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in a cup of coffee each day cured his chronic muscle pain.
Another way to get combine ACV and molasses is the old fashioned drink called Switchel, which was commonly used before the age of brightly colored sports drinks and juices shipped from around the world.
Switchel Recipe
- 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 cup molasses
- 1/2 cup sugar or honey
- 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
- tap water to make 2 quarts
Mix first four ingredients to blend, then add water and mix until dissolved. Chill or serve over ice, if desired.
#5 – Essential Oils for Sore Muscles
A number of essential oils and essential oils blends may be helpful for muscle pain relief.
For muscle…
- Cramps: Try lemongrass with peppermint and marjoram
- Spasms: Top recommended oils are basil, marjoram and Roman Chamomile.
- Tension: Try marjoram, peppermint, helichrysum, lavender or Roman Chamomile.
To use an essential oil for muscle pain, add one to two drops of the essential oil into one tablespoon of a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil or olive oil, and apply to the affected area.
#6 – Movement
Our muscles tend to want to stay doing whatever they’re doing, unless we force them to change. If you’re tensed up, they’ll stay tensed up. Stand up, walk, run, stretch, garden – do whatever you can to be active, so you can stay active as you age. Increase blood flow = faster healing and sore muscle relief.
For injuries, a new healing acronym is A.R.I.T.A. – active recovery is the answer. Don’t beat the heck out of an injury, but don’t avoid moving for too long. Note: Always check with your doc for severe injuries.
#7 – Massage
Massage helps to stimulate blood circulation to an area, which speeds healing. When combined with healing oils, such as the essential oils blends listed above or pepper rub
below, you get a double benefit.
Self-massage for sore shoulder muscles…
Simple self massage for sore knees…
#8 – Hot Pepper Rubs
Capsaicin, which produces the burn in hot peppers, has been used to relive pain from arthritis, joint and muscle pain and general muscle soreness. It is available in over the counter products such as Cramer Atomic Balm Warming Cream, or you can make your own by mixing:
- 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and
- one cup of olive oil or coconut oil, warm -or- aloe vera gel
Apply the rub to the affected area, and wash your hands after application. Keep the rub away from your eyes, nose and mouth – it will cause irritation. Test on a small area to make sure that it does not make you more uncomfortable instead of providing sore muscle relief. This one is not for everyone.
#9 – Rest
Sometimes the best sore muscle treatment is not do anything at all. If you rest up for a couple of days, general muscle soreness due to overexertion should pass on its own. Of course, when things get busy in the garden or on the farm, rest isn’t easy to come by, so do what works for you.
Don’t sit around too long, or you may make the muscle soreness worse. Remember – Active Recovery Is The Answer.
#10 – Tart Cherry Juice Helps Sore Muscles After Workout and Increases Muscle Strength
A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in which volunteers drank either a cherry juice blend or a drink containing no cherry juice showed that:
Average pain scores came in at 3.2 for those drinking the dummy mixture and 2.4 for those drinking cherry juice. Pain also peaked at 24 hours for those drinking cherry juice, but continued to increase for those on the dummy mixture for the subsequent 48 hours.
The cherry juice drinkers also had better muscle strength. You can generally only find tart cherries available fresh in season or frozen, but tart cherry juice concentrate is available year round.
#11 – Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
To reduce muscle soreness, mix a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it down. Some folks drink a tablespoon straight like a shot. Still others rub the vinegar directly on the area of the sore muscle/cramp.
Don’t like the taste of vinegar? Try 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey, a sprig of fresh mint and 8 to 10 ounces of cold water, well mixed.
#12 – Coconut Oil
Try 2-3 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil per day in cooking and applied on foods like butter. if you want an easy way to eat more coconut oil, may I recommend some coconut oil fudge, which contains coconut oil and cocoa powder?
You may also enjoy the post “Natural Back Pain Relief” and other posts in the Home Remedies series.
Originally written in 2013, last updated in 2019.
I think you missed the most important one. Arnica! It works wonders after overexertion and also immediately after any injury. Arnica 200c , 3 pellets dissolved under the tongue . No food for 15 minutes. I never leave my house without it in my bag. It’s effectiveness lessens after injury which is why it must be taken asap injury, sprains, strains, even concussions.
Love your articles Laura!!
Thanks, Susan!
I’ve used arnica gel topically for injuries, but haven’t used the homeopathic pellets, so I appreciate the input.
The menthol of Absorbine Jr works great for me. The tingling feeling makes me feel like it works better. Have never tried baking soda and water though.
Hello my wife has fibromyalgia and she hurts most of the time but deals with it but when she has are ups it really puts her down any advice
That’s a tough one, because it’s not a simple overuse issue.
Has she tried an elimination diet? I did this back when I was dealing with a bad psoriasis outbreak in 2015. There’s more info here – https://commonsensehome.com/anti-candida-anti-psoriasis-diet/
Recently, I had a flare up, and my husband did an elimination diet for a week with me. We ate only plants for a week, mostly vegetables (juice, salads, soups, cooked). When he went back to eating “normal” he realized that certain foods made his allergies and arthritis pain worse. He’s since modified his diet and has less pain and inflammation, and has also lost weight. (He’s not back to 100% veggie.)
I find that when I eat better, I feel better, too.
The topical treatments listed in the post may provide temporary relief, but she really needs to see if she can heal her underlying triggers.
I’m a fitness guy. It’s just who I am. When you workout on a regular basis, you learn what works for you and what doesn’t. I like the tart cherry solution, the foam roller and, before ever resorting to chemical pain relievers, I will take an epsom salt bath and use good old-fashioned Absorbine JR. (It’s natural and it works! Used it even while in the military.)
please i always have stiff waist after defecating. My body become so tired with low back stiffness to my leg after defecating. Pls tell me which remedy to use. Thanks
It’s sounds like you are dealing with something related to digestion rather than a typical muscle pain, so you may want to read about what a healthy bowel movement looks like, and how to have better (easier to pass) bowel movements here https://commonsensehome.com/whats-a-healthy-bowel-movement/
If you are regularly straining to defecate, that can put a lot of strain on the area around your waist.
How high is your toilet? Squatting is a more natural position for defecation, so adjusting your position when you poop may help.
Note, there are also some digestive disorders and muscular diseases that can affect defecation, so please see a trained healthcare provider if pain or discomfort is severe or persistent. Material on the website is for general information only.
I experienced the same, but I went out of work for a week or so, stayed more on my bed relaxing and sleeping, got hydrate with just water, no fried, packaged or other processed food, it disappeared. Note: being in Nigeria, I first treated malaria.
Article was very helpful. I noticed a couple things I use that have helped me over the years. Baking soda and water, 1 tsp per 8 oz. glass of water. It tastes like you’re drinking the ocean, but once a day keeps me nimble and ache-free.
I also love the tried and true Absorbine Jr. It’s menthol and a few other natural things. I even let my 11 year-old use it for sore muscles from playing basesball, soccer and football.
Thanks for sharing your sore muscle remedies, Sydney.
I walk and jog 4-5 times per week in the gym along with some light weight training. My range of motion has dramatically decreased when I walk and get out of bed each day due to pain and sore stiff muscles. Where should I look for these magnesium supplements? Is there a diet plan that will help?
Every person is different, so the best option would be for your to work with a nutritional counselor or trainer to develop a personalized plan.
In lieu of that, you might try an anti-inflammatory diet, such as this one – https://commonsensehome.com/anti-candida-anti-psoriasis-diet/
Magnesium Glycinate is one of the most easily absorbed forms of oral magnesium. (You can order it online here or find it at a health food store or other online vendor.) Epsom salt baths are another easy and inexpensive way to get more magnesium into your body. You should be able to find Epsom salt at any drugstore.
I’ve recently heard rumors of pickle juice being effective for muscle pain but haven’t been able to nail down the specifics. Any news or opinions regarding that? I’m not sure if you’re supposed to drink it or use it as a rub!
I’d guess drink it, for the vinegar and salt content?
Hi Laurie,
I have recently done a lot of run around and going up and down at work. Now my both legs are so painful. Doctr said that i have got tired muscles so been given pain relief but can’t do normal duties bcoz of pain. Can you suggest anything xx
Try the Epsom salt soak and other remedies listed in the post. Don’t forget to keep gently moving, even though you are sore. The blood flow helps to speed healing.
Hey Laurie
Great list! I personally found magnesium supplementation was a major player in helping me overcome muscle pain and cramps etc. I used magnesium glycinate, which I believe is readily bio-available. also did a lot for my anxiety too.
Also, had a lot of success with foam rolling to break up dense areas of tissue in the muscles. I had a hip issue for many years, and foam rolling has essentially cured it. Soft tissue work can be a really useful thing.
my father aged 57, have stiffness in his mussels. he had hard worked in his his whole life like exercise etc beyond of this he also take too much stress on the other hand he cant take a deep sleep i googled a lot about and found the reason is the increase of cartisol level in body……..ill be glade if you please guide me that what will i do for his help?????
There can be many reasons for increased cortisol levels, including lack of sleep itself. Generally a good place to start is with looking at stress and diet.
Goldenrod oil/salve works great too.
Thanks, Rachel. Do you have a recipe that you prefer?
I go and pick some goldenrod and use the leaves and stems for the oil and dry the flowers for teas to help with seasonal allergies. For the salve, fill a glass jar half way with chopped leaves and stems, fill to an inch of the top with oil of choice. I do a warm infusion by placing a folded hand towel in the bottom of a crock pot, place jar with lid on it on towel, fill half way up jar with water, put lid on pot, put on low and leave for 24-48 hours making sure to keep water level up. When finished, strain (squeesing to get all oil out, let sit for about 15 min. to seperate any water from oil, pour out oil, careful not to get any water in, add bees wax to desired thickness (to test put a spoon in freeze, when cold dip into warm oil. It will harden and you can feel how hard it will be). For the flowers, pick ones that are not fully open as they will continue to blossem as they dry (if they are fully open, they will develop the seeds that are like tiny dandelion puffs), hang or lay flat to dry in a cool dark place.
Hope this helps.
Thank you.
Which one would work the best on leg pain and soreness???
Every person is different, so it’s hard to say what would work best. #1 and #3 are our “go tos” for quick relief. Magnesium oil is also good for stopping nighttime leg cramps.
i too have had sudden pain in my muscles around my upper thighs and the muscles just above the pubic area
all xrays are clear but the pain is more as soon as i place my foot down to take a step or trying to lift my leg to get into bed etc
so i sort of waddle and walk ,
will definitely try the sour cherry juice
have been drinking apple cider vinegar and tumeric and ginger powder with a pinch of black pepper in warm water every morning on an empty stomach
will try other remedies now
I hope you find a combination that works for you.
Very useful. But Ginger juice comes in high recommended based on experience.
Laurie, I think you should add red beets to the list . I’m 77 and have been eating an oz or 2 every day for the last 3 or 4 years and have very little joint or muscle pain , even after elliptical and treadmill, or swimming for an hour 4 or 5 days a week. I started out by cooking them and peeling them before eating. Now I scrub them and cut them into strips- skin and all- and eat them raw. The sweeter ones taste almost like carrots.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing, Peter. Beets are high in antioxidants, which fight inflammation, and nitrates, which are good for heart health.
My fiance just started construction in early august. He works from 6-3, Monday through Friday. He comes home everyday beat up and can barely move. He complains about aching muscles and his legs locking up the most. I hate to see him like this. I don’t know what to try first or what is best for his condition.
I’d start with the magnesium drink (Natural Calm) and an Epsom salt soak if he has time for it. Make sure he stays hydrated, too.
Coconut water has more potassium than a banana, though it’s not as tasty. I add coconut water, tart cherry juice & ginger to my nightly vitamin & fiber shake, sometimes I throw in some apple cider vinegar too. When I do that my muscle pain seems to improve.
Sounds like a potent combination that would help you poop well, too.
Please see a trained healthcare professional if pain is chronic or severe. If pain is mild and inconsistent try something or multiple somethings from the list.
My mom has been adamant about drinking apple cider vinegar for a while now, and she said that it has helped reduce soreness after workouts. I’ll have to give it a try! Thank you for sharing the tips.
Very interesting remedies – thank you. My son has been doing some manual labour the last few days and a few more to go. His hands are quite painful from the unaccustomed work (!), in particular the heels of the hand below the thumbs are quite swollen. What would you recommend ?
Thanks for your help
Soaking his hands in an Epsom salt soak should help take down the swelling, along with the molasses and/or vinegar taken internally. For spot inflammation like that (where it’s probably as much bruising as muscle soreness), I also like arnica gel, which you can order online (amazon link to arnica gel) or find in many health food stores/natural pharmacies.
Totally refused to drink vinegar !! Definitely bruising more than muscle soreness, so got him to soak them in a vinegar solution for a short while, (these youngsters, just too impatient). I had arnica gel so he massaged that in regularly and found it very effective. I must remember to get epsom salts when next in the UK, have never found it here in France.
Thanks so much for your help – very interesting website 🙂
I thought the arnica gel might be a winner. My husband prefers that option, too. I think it’s a male thing to have less patience. 😉
I have found Epsom salts at the local pharmacy and pharmacy sections of general merchandise stores, but the best local prices I’ve found have been at the farm supply store. Epsom salts are also good for treating animals, too.
my wife has bad pains and circulation in her legs she was using suboxone for many years and now she is off this for some time now .Can you think of anything to help these pains .she does not want to use any medication that is not natural or that is not good for her please help us she is really trying hard.
thank you.
It’s not safe for me to diagnose or treat specific conditions over the internet. I am not a doctor. One thing she may want to look into is diet, as what we eat has a dramatic impact on our health. I changed the way I eat last in year in response to a health crisis, and saw a dramatic improvement. Many of the changes I made might be helpful for a variety of conditions, because the diet looks at common allergens and irritants and helps rebuild your digestive system. You can learn more here – https://commonsensehome.com/anti-candida-anti-psoriasis-diet/
If pain is severe or incapacitating, please see a trained healthcare professional.
ok thanks for getting back with me. that is the direction i would take also we will keep trying things.
Good luck. I know it’s hard to feel lousy.
Wild lettuce then go to the YouTube video that shows how to simmer it down and prepare it
Heyy mam…hope u r doing well.. I am suffering from muscular (shoulder) pain . I work out daily at the gym lifting heavy weights and since 2 days i feel as if my shoulders are sore… I think that can be due to getting exposed to sudden cold Air conditioned area after working out (with wet clothes on) one day before this injury. Could this be the cause of the pain? . Kindly advise how to be ok again.Thanks and regards
The cold air may have made your muscles tighter, causing soreness. If pain is severe, please see a health care provider. If you are just sore, try any of the remedies in the post, especially warmth and massage to release the tightness.
I was lifting some weights, about 8 pounds, and I am fairly new to workouts but I have read up on the subject and I know I am doing the routine correctly. However, whenever I try to straighten my arms, I get a sharp pain. It is ruining my day and I hope you guys have some other thing for this or maybe I am on the wrong page…
Given that I am not a certified sports therapist and I can’t virtually examine your arm for damage that would be causing this pain, I’m afraid I can’t directly help you. It’s really, really much safer if you see a real human on this problem – not a virtual one – just in case you have some damage or something out of alignment that you are hurting by doing what you’re doing. Pain like that is not normal or typical for most people. Not getting this checked out now could lead to serious problems down the road.
Thanks for this site. I’m dealing with extreme mucle pain(when I move it) since 2 days on my right tigh and I’ m not sure how Igot
It. The only thing I can think of is a little arabest (ballet stetch ,not sure of spelling) like in the shower. Strange. Will try some of your suggestion. Thanks
If pain is severe or incapacitating, please see a trained health care professional.
Hello Laurie, most of these are great tips, and I will try them. Sorry, I have to disagree with # 11 ‘rest’ You could simply say don’t over do it. It contradicts #8 movement, and rest is the worst thing one can do sometimes.
My back goes completely out about every 2 years. I had a chiropractor that was also a physical therapist. After an adjustment he said the worst thing I can do is to lay down. I told him I had to go to a huge hardware store for plumbing parts and he said go, get a cart, lean on it and walk very slowly around the whole store. He also gave me a list of slow leg lifts (lying flat on a bed) and stretches which help to this day. Now it has been 6 years since it has gone out.
Every injury is different, mine is due to being rolled in car wrecks and falling off my first horse on my tailbone. The slow leg stretches at night and in the morning help keep me functioning.
Everyone is different dear… sometimes rest is definitely needed… she didn’t post them specific to your problem she posts for anyone that stumbles upon the page… and one of the stumblers may need to rest their muscles… in my husbands case he definitely needs rest but needs to calm his muscles to allow him to do that
I’m bookmarking this…thanks for sharing!
Can you recommend a good magnesium, calcium, potassium supplement?
The article “The Best Calcium & Magnesium Supplements” suggests:
They also recommend twice as much calcium as magnesium, and no more than 500 milligrams of calcium per pill.
High potassium foods include beans, dark leafy greens, potatoes, squash, yogurt, fish, avocados, mushrooms, and bananas.
I always use a golf ball muscle roller to massage my muscles and take biosteel supplements which really helps my muscles recover better than anything else i have ever tried. What do you think?
I like the roller ball massagers better when someone else uses them to rub my back. 🙂
★So happy to find you, your website seems wonderful to many! I suffer w chronic pain daily, I have fibromyalgia & I have yet to find natural comfort for this evil diagnosis, nor a Dr. w much knowledge for…or belief in me. Super frustrating! I’m anxious to start some of your remedies! Ty for this!♥★★★★★♥
Welcome, Pamela. I don’t know where you are on your journey, but I know friends have found some relief with dietary changes as well.
I cut out gluten over ten years ago, plus recently I’ve eliminated most sugar and all grains. I’ve been on the latter diet for about a year and it really does help. I think a lot of pain and other common problems are caused by GMOs and glyphosate. BTW, Laurie, thanks for the heads up on cane sugar being sprayed with glyphosate. I occasionally cave in and have some ordinary milk chocolate, but I’ll be thinking twice the next time I get a craving.
I wish I didn’t have to share the news about more glyphosate contamination, but it’s everywhere.
Blessings Pamela I too suffer from fibromyalgia osteoarthritis and arthritis as well as neuropathy. For the fibromialgia and both arthritis I have found that Devil’s claw in which you will find at a health food store has totally rid me from pain and all these areas now for the neuropathy I take a B12 5000 mcg and that truly taken my pain and numbness from my feet legs hands and arms but please go to the health food store and learn for yourself the benefits of Devil’s claw
I absolutely need this now! You’re a lifesaver, thanks. 🙂 I’m thinking about trying out the coconut oil first.
Thanks for the great home remedies, the 4th one is especially useful for me. Will try it out as soon as I get home. 🙂
Very interesting info; I plan on trying many of these cures.
I went from a sedentary job to a construction job, where most of my co-workers are in their 20’s. As I’m in my 40’s, it takes a lot more time to recover.
I currently take Endurox, a powder mix of magnesium, potassium, calcium, ect – and was looking for natural ways to repair muscle damage; that’s how I found your site.
PS: I hope you will correct the following:
“Sprains and strains are generally caused BUY trauma (falls, twists, impacts) or overuse. “
Fixed it, and thanks for mentioning it politely. That product isn’t exactly inexpensive, is it? But the reviews are good. Here’s an amazon link for Endurox for the curious.
At what rate do you consume the Switchel Recipe in Sore Muscle Remedy #5? How much? How often?
Every individual is different. Think of it as a sports drink alternative.
Can this drink (Switchel Recipe) served to diabetic patients?
Eating Well has it labeled as, “Diabetes Appropriate”.
No! there are 63 grams of carbs in a quarter cup of molasses, 100 grams of carbs in half a cup of sugar! If you make this for a diabetic, please use a sugar alternative!!
Great ideas! I’m going to have to remember these for my husband.
Thank you soooooooooooo much, these helped me a lot with my sore calve muscles from doing cartweels all weekend then haveing a hard basketball practice that made my muscles tighten up so much I could barely walk without my skin feeling like it was being so tight it might rip!!! But thank you very much!!!!
You should check a golf ball muscle roller, it really did wonders for my sore back, feels better than a massage!
3 years ago, I always suffer from leg cramps mostly during sleeping or cold weather. I would then flex my leg muscles (the other way around) in order to ease the tension but it was really painful and I couldn’t move at all. I realized that it might be the lack of sleep/dehydration that has caused this (used to work nights). With leg and foot pain, I always enjoy having a good massage and Omega 3 Pain relief works really great!
I tend to get restless leg syndrome at bedtime, but a 100 mg. tablet of magnesium stops it within minutes. At this point, I take a 100 mg. magnesium pill at bedtime as a preventative and it also helps me get to sleep.
I’ve been helping my boyfriend and his mom remodel their house they’re moving into, and one thing that’s helped me the most to keep going was to get a nice hot bath (I know hot dries out your skin but it feels so good!) and put lavender, peppermint, and Epsom salts in the water. Works like magic!
Smells good, too, I’m sure.
Epsom Salts contains a lot of magnesium, which is absorbed through the skin. Be careful not to overdo, though—too much magnesium can be toxic.
Love reading all your shared thoughts, suggestions and mostly that you are a Doterra person. So am I!
My favorite ” go to” pain relief is Arnica cream or gel.
Have you tried aspercream?
my mother has sore legs .she can hardly walk,her veins are not clotted,and a massage helps but not much, i supplement her w fish oil and magnesium,she does have an extra vertabre in her lower back(spine) can u give me any advice to help her?
I am not a medical provider and cannot offer specific medical advice. Each person’s situation is different and a health issue can’t be summed up in a couple of sentences.
A couple of ideas come to mind:
My mother had a lot of swelling in her lower legs as she aged, and ended up getting a lymphatic massage, which is different from a regular massage. This relieved much of the swelling and made it easier for her to walk.
I had a rash on my knee that I could not ditch that was also linked to lymphatic issues. No pain, but lots of itching. I used a detox deodorant on the bottom of my feet and it cleared the rash. More info on this here – https://commonsensehome.com/product-review-herbalix-deodorants/
Sometimes leg pain is linked to back pain. I just recently discovered the Gokhale Method for restoring health posture (huge, huge, huge thing as we age) and have been implementing some of her instructions, and my chronic back pain is so much better. More on the Gokhale Method here – http://gokhalemethod.com/
I encourage you to work with your local healers and do more research to see if you can find a solution that works for your mom.
Think I have found out why I have sore muscles all the time .
Maybe its lack of Calcium, Potassium or magnesium
I am going to try them to see if it really works!
Not fun when everything you do hurts all the time
I have definitely noticed a difference since I added magnesium supplements to my routine. With all the gardening, I do a fair amount of lifting and digging, so it’s been a big help.
I am the same pain ruins most things I find coffee does help abit with my pain. You might want to try a cup and see
My aunt has just came back from hospital and now she say’s her neck veins are sore.Please help.
I’m sorry, but I am not a medical professional, and not knowing what she was in the hospital for or having any idea of what might be causing the pain, I can’t even offer references that might be helpful. She should identify the source of the pain if possible, and then work to address the cause, not just the symptoms.
My son was practicing high school football and has pulled a groin muscle it has been at least 2 weeks and is still having problems with it. Can and will someone help me? I don’t like to see my children hurt 🙁
WebMD says to expect at least 4-6 weeks of recovery – http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/groin-pull
I’d suggest using the remedies in the post and making sure it doesn’t get worse, but it’s going to take time to heal.
Have him try a rub with arnica in it. Hope he feels better.
My favorite for sore muscles – cherry juice. Or cherries. ^^
Oh yeah! You’d think I would have remembered that one, since I live close to Door County, a major tart cherry production area.
can you please update the article? (Btw i love, i was having sore muscles then googled this. thank you!!!!)
For you and your awesome email address, Andrew, I will add a cherry on top.
Thank goodness I found your site!!!! So helpful. I had worked very hard physically and was so sore the next day that I could barely get out of bed. I have long known that bananas are good for this and over the years have had great success with eating lots of bananas before and after workouts. I believe it’s the high potassium content that makes the difference. Then recently, I went back to working out after a long hiatus and I lift a lot of weight when I do. I covered my whole body with arnica gel, which although a little expensive, also works like a dream. Then I thought if those two things work so amazingly well , I wonder what else I don’t know about. So I found this article, tried the recipe with the apple cider vinegar, molasses, honey, ginger and water. I also took magnesium/calcium syrup a couple of times the same day. It is very well known that day two after working out is always the most sore but by day two, I am completely healed and pain free. Thank you so much for this amazingly comprehensive and accurate article. I would have been sore for most of the week.
Glad you found the site, and followed through on the suggestions, and that they worked well for you. I’ve been using my arnica and magnesium regularly after long days in the garden, but I may need to pick up some bananas, too. 🙂
Bananas are also high in magnesium and magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant. I take a 100 mg. pill from time to time for that purpose
After having pain in Hand, Wrist, and Elbow, I bought Hand Grips and did 100 reps to exercise
my Hand. All pain went away in my Hand, Wrist and Elbow. After not exercising for a month the
pain came back.. A $3 hand grips cured my muscle pain problem.