Garden Planner & Gardening Journal Templates (Printable)

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I am not a meticulous record keeper, but I find it handy to keep my garden notes in a three ring binder. That way routine care becomes a bit easier, and I have a record of any oddities that pop up. I’ve organized my favorite garden planner guides, gardening journal pages, and harvest tracker to share with you!

garden planner cover

Note – I don’t try to estimate exactly how much to plant to get a certain harvest. Why? Because each gardening year is a little different, so your harvest will vary, even planting the same number of plants. Also, most folks don’t have the space or inclination to grow everything they eat.

I generally suggest starting with plants you know that you will use. Keep notes, and adjust your planting in the following years based on how much you grow and use. If you are new to gardening, see “How to Start a Garden“.

Common Sense Home Garden Planner

For our newsletter subscribers, we have the basic garden planner in printable PDF format. This includes:

  • Cover sheet
  • Indoor seed starting and transplanting calendar
  • Outdoor direct seeding schedule
  • Plant spacing chart
  • Seed longevity chart

Use the form below to sign up, or if the form is not displaying for you, leave a comment letting me know that you would like to sign up.

You’ll also get gardening and food preservation tips in our weekly newsletter.

printable garden planner

The BIG Garden Planner & Journal Pages

For those who would like more tools for planning and tracking progress through the whole growing season…

We have a printable 20 page guide that includes the information above, plus:

  • Seed purchase log
  • Planting and Germination record
  • Garden Goals for the Year
  • Garden Wishlist
  • Seed Inventory
  • Growth Tracking
  • Monthly To-Do Lists
  • Pollinator & Pest Watch List
  • Pest & Disease Log
  • Pollinator & Beneficial Insects Log
  • Weather Tracker
  • Harvest Log
  • Preservation & Storage Log
  • Tools & Equipment Log
  • Gardening Budget
  • Supplier Contact List
  • Notes & Reflections Section

There are two versions of the cover so you can pick your favorite, plus binder edge labels for your three ring binder. With your purchase, you get access to the printable PDF files and the Excel spreadsheets. In the spreadsheets, it automatically calculates planting dates for different crops based on your last frost date.

For less than the cost of a fast food meal, you can support the website and enjoy easy garden record keeping for years to come. You can print out as many copies as you need, so you can use the pages again and again.

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Using Your Garden Planner

The Seed Longevity Chart shows how long garden seeds are likely to remain viable when stored in cool, dry conditions. Your results may vary (I’ve had 10 year old tomato seeds that were still good), but it’ll give you an idea if your leftover seed is still good.

See “How to Store Seeds (for Next Year or Long Term)“.

The Seed Germination After Storage shows the expected germination rate, along with best temperature, and days to germination.

The Plant Spacing Chart shows the minimum distance between plants in a row and between rows. These are estimates. Dwarf or container varieties should be smaller. The chart assumes garden beds that are 3-4 feet across.

The Seed Starting and Transplanting Calendar is for indoor seed sowing. The Outdoor Seed Sowing Schedule is for outdoor seed sowing based on last and first frosts of the season.

The Seed Purchase Log includes the variety, seed company, purchase date, price, and number of packets.

Finally, the Planting and Germination Record includes:

  • Date planted
  • Variety
  • Number of cells/containers
  • Number of seeds planted
  • Year of seed packet
  • Company
  • Date of first seedlings
  • Number of seedlings
  • Date of full germination
  • Number of seedlings total
  • Transplant to garden date

I find this handy for monitoring older seed. If germination rates suddenly drop off, it’s probably time for new seed. (Or you can plant thickly to compensate and hope for the best.)

If You Need Help Drawing Our Your Garden Beds

I enjoy taking hand written notes and drawing out my garden beds, but if you don’t, there are digital options. If you need help laying out your garden, try the Hortisketch Garden Planner from True Leaf Market. It’s a visual planner that lets you drag and drop plants into your garden layout.

hortisketch garden planner

Make Record Keeping Simple

Using a garden planner and garden log makes it easier to track what works well in your garden – and what doesn’t. That way you remember things from year to year so your garden gets better and better.

I’d love to hear how you keep track of things in your garden. Leave a comment below to share your thoughts.

Laurie Neverman, fall 2023

This article is written by Laurie Neverman. Laurie and her family live in northeast Wisconsin, where they grow a wide variety of plants for food and medicine. Along with her passion for growing nutrient dense food, she also enjoys ancient history, adorable ducks, and lifelong learning.

Originally published in 2012, last updated in 2025.

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    1. Hi Mark.

      Have you checked your inbox and spam filter? You should have received an email with download link.

      There’s a section in the email that says, “Remember, you can download your garden planner and other free subscriber bonuses at your convenience.” with a link in the first welcome email. It looks like that email was sent 2 days ago.

  1. We are planting a rather more substantial garden this year, and my husband is taking on some of the preps in addition to lavishing tender care over his tomato patch, so the higher level of order and detail you have described is going to be very useful. It is dreadfully hot early this year, and dry, another challenging factor. I keep my seeds in shoe boxes too, and one shoe box has index cards marked by month and week of that month for varieties that start as seedlings, with another set of dividers for direct seeding. Old favorites get stuck right back in their divider after planting. We went a little crazy ordering seeds this year, so a longevity tracking system is sounding real good. This year is starting out even wonkier than last year. I think I am going to formulate a Fortitude Tea, and blend a lot of it so I have a go-to gift for my gardening neighbors.

    1. We are badly in need of rain here, too, and the temperature went from freezing one week to baking the next week. It’s starting out as a rough gardening season.

  2. August 8, 2021
    Good morning! I signed up for your email subscription but wasn’t redirected for the free garden journal download. Laureen

    1. I emailed you directly, and you should be getting a welcome email series that also has the link.

    1. Can you see the subscription form? The gardening journal forms are a free download for subscribers. If you decide you don’t care to stay subscribed, you can unsubscribe at any time.

  3. I have used these sheets for several years and love them.
    I had them saved on my computer, but had to get a new one.

    I do not see where to download.

    Are they still available for download? Thank you for your effort!

    Julie Mama

    1. Thank you for reaching out, Julie. I just switched over to a new email service last week, and it looks like the sign up form was malfunctioning. That should be fixed now. Join the newsletter sign up, and you’ll be redirected to the free download page with the planner and other helpful guides.

  4. Hi Laurie, I loved your presentation on the Home Medicine Summit on Tomatoes! What valuable information you shared!!! I just looked for the Mycorrhizal powder on amazon and there are many choices with varying size packages, maybe different compositions and various price points. How much would I need for about 6 tomato plants? Would it be helpful for peppers and other veggies? How long is the shelf life? Do you have a particular one you use?
    Thank you so much for your expertise you share and for answering my questions.
    Be well, Simone Heurich

    1. Hi Simone.

      We’ve tried several different types of mycorrhizal fungi, all with good results. Almost all garden plants will form relationships with the fungi, including peppers and other veggies.

      Root Naturally Endo Mycorrhizae – 4 ounce container would be handy for a small garden.

      Their application guidelines are as follows:

      Small Transplants or Cuttings: ½ teaspoon under the plants roots when planting.
      Potted Plants/Soil Mixes: Use 1-2 tablespoons per 1 gallon of soil.
      Turf: Apply ¼-½ pounds per 1000 square feet during installation or aeration.

      We’ve used this brand, and it’s very easy to apply because it comes in granular form instead of powder. (If you have bare root trees, powder works nicely for dipping the roots.)

      Glad you enjoyed the presentation.

  5. I can’t seem to download your free
    Garden templates for a garden journal. I don’t have excell. My phone is an Iphone 6. can you please send me instructions for how to download these. i like the idea os being able to customize them. Thanks for your help.


    1. Pat, I’m waiting on my flight right now on my way back to Green Bay and answering comments on my phone. I’ll be home tomorrow and we can see if we can figure out a way for you to access the files. I think you need to download to a desktop or laptop, not a phone. Once you get them on a computer, you can use Google Sheets to open the spreadsheet.

  6. It’s very thoughtful of you to share these journal templates. They’re really helpful for my garden projects soon. 🙂 Thanks!

  7. Goodness this is wonderful! You are so thorough and detailed. I also sketch out my garden and I love the idea of a garden wheel! I may try to put one in. We have a kitchen garden right off our back deck that I sketch out. I’m so thankful I found this great resource. Thank you for doing so much work!

    How do you feel about tilling? We are no-till gardeners, but so many people have success with it. We normally just mulch heavily making the soil really easy to dig in. Just wondering what your thoughts are. Thanks again!

    1. We do minimal tilling, generally only once in spring where we still use it. Most of the time we hand dig now, or pull back mulch and plant. We do mulch quite a bit, but too much mulch and the garden soil stays too cold too long in spring.

  8. Thank you for sharing all this great info. I was,sick for a few years and my stash of seeds are outdated. Every app I find to track are too detailed fussy etc. I love your simple chart. I have to garden in containers and was already mixing up my notes! I especially wanted to track heirloom and see if I have any success hares ting and replanting seeds. I’m going to try lasagna in front yard (After years of nuturing California clay into viable soil, a ‘landscaper’ scraped down to hardpan and absconded with the soil.) Any suggestions to hurry process are greatly appreciated. Realistically, though, I think I may have to truck in as I can afford and do some small raised beds. I’ll be visiting more often as there is a lot to absorb here ????

    1. Oh no! Soil thieves!

      I’d build up layers with whatever you have that will rot, and top them off with some decent topsoil/compost/potting soil. Plant into the top, and let everything sheet compost in place.

  9. HELP!!
    I’m setting up our new garden using the Garden Crop Rotation system. I have started kohlrabi but can’t figure out what family it falls under (Legume, Root, Fruit or Leaf). Yikes, I’m trying to set this new garden up correctly so next year I can look at my garden notes and know where to rotate each crop for the next year. I’m STUMPED! This is all new to me. Can you help me, PLEASE?
    Please email me to let me know. I sure would appreciate your advice or suggestions.
    Happy Day To You – Bobbie

    1. Bobbie,

      I usually keep kohlrabi in with the root veggies, because it has a more similar growth habit, even though botanically it’s in the brassica family with cabbage and broccoli. If you have space in one and not the other, it could shift. The “rules” are more like serving suggestions. It’s best to experiment and see what works well in your garden.

  10. Have been wishing for posts like this one. I am the world’s most unorganized person in the world,for real.So thank you & ur readers for the suggestions. Would it be too time consuming for u to get little garden growing tips along the way? Like u mentioned “the heavy feeders”. Which plants are they & what do u feed them or a 3 season crop or those that need mulching,those that are a Big No No to plant together? I prolly own 75% of garden books known to mankind but having so many has been a detriment rather than a liability….they make me feel overwhelmed. Last year I didn’t bother putting out a garden.

    1. Hi Danetta.

      I do have some gardening posts on the site, but as you have found out, there’s a lot to learn. As we get back closer to gardening season, I’ll be adding more posts, but you can check out those that are already on the site here:

      Every garden location and every gardener are a little different, so there is no “one size fits all” solution. You have to figure out a system that works for you. If you tell me a little bit about where you’re located and what type of ground, space and climate you have to work with and what you would like to grow, I could offer some more specific suggestions.

      1. Thank you Laurie. I live in SE. part of Missouri.Our summers are turning out to be “hot as _ _ _ _ ” anymore,so lots of (LOTS) weeds & dusty dry soil,clay type I believe. We have a quarter acre to devote to a garden if we wanted to. Tomatoes,peas,beans,potatoes,corn,peppers,cukes and squash would be lovely. 4 things i absolutely cannot grow,even a little bit of; strawberries,onions,dill & carrots.
        .Love to can & raise animals for enjoyment & as a food source. I like organic everything. I have purchased or prodded my husband into buying a small tiller,a large tiller & finally a small JD tractor so I can implement all these huge “gardens in the sky” plans,haha. No matter what the chore,if I buy the piece of equipment, the chore is done…I can dismiss that project & move on to something else.Really expensive & not funny.I have boxes & boxes (not packets) of seeds.What to do with all of them?

        1. lol

          Short answer – dig dirt, stick seeds in, see what grows and what doesn’t, repeat as necessary, adjusting as you go.

          Better short answer – Find neighbor with awesome garden. Become their new best friend. Most successful gardeners love bragging about how they work their magic.

          Tomatoes, peppers, cukes, corn, squash are all “heavy feeders”. They like nice, rich soil, but too much nitrogen (often too much manure) will give you too much leaf and not enough fruit.

          Potatoes are moderate feeders, and are good for breaking new ground.

          Beans and peas are legumes, and will actually add nitrogen to the soil, enriching it for other crops.

          Onions and most herbs are light feeders, but do better in richer ground.

          Carrots struggle in clay/heavy ground and will often grow forked or stubby roots in response.

          Strawberries require more than one season to produce a good crop, so I probably wouldn’t start with them until you’ve worked your ground for a while.

          Tractor is probably overkill for 1/4 acre. We’ve got around an acre, and managed for years with a small tiller and hand digging. Upgraded recently to a larger rear tine tiller, but it is only used once a season.

          If your soil is lousy and you regularly deal with drought, you may want to consider lasagna gardening to build up layers on top of the soil, or at the very least plenty of mulching. This will keep your clay from compacting and protect the soil ecosystem, encouraging worms, pill bugs and other little dirt movers to occupy the area and work the mulch into the soil.

          As for the seeds, check out this post –

          1. Lasagna gardening = building “lasagna” layers of materials on top of your desired planting area to build up the soil. It’s like sheet composting directly in the garden. A typical “lasagna bed” is built up in fall – sometimes in a frame, sometimes in a pile – with layers of compostable material. It rots down over winter and in spring you plant directly in the pile, or add a little dirt on top of the pile if it’s not completely broken down, plant in the dirt, and let the pile continue to compost in place.

  11. Loved your information. I printed off your seed starting chart. I do keep a journal about every third year. I sometimes staert one and then get too busy to keep it up, but about every third year I do get it done and I really do love going back through them in the winter when I am planning next years garden. I just want a little better way to keep track of what, where, when and how it turned out.

    1. I realized today that I forgot to fill in a couple areas on my garden chart earlier in the season. I feel like I’m lost. 🙁

  12. I am using Evernote this year to track everything. I can add text, photos, and pdf files of all my garden info. Plus I can edit and view from both my iPhone and iPad right from the garden.

  13. This is a valuable lesson, thanks. I’m not a square foot gardener either. I plant as diverse a polyculture as I can. But I do have a bunch of photocopies of my garden to keep track of where things go each year, and I certainly rotate.

  14. Wow, this is an EXCELLENT post! Thank you for sharing your method for keeping records of your garden. I’ve printed it out and will be chewing on all the info you shared over the next few weeks so I can nail down my own record keeping.

    Anyway, thanks again. Oh—and I put the companion book on my wish list. Weeee! Love new gardening books!

  15. I have a notebook that I use. It’s a spiral notebook. I don’t keep as detailed a record as you, but I track the dates seeds are planted and map out my garden area prior to planting.