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I would love to have a few of those sunchokes. I can’t find any sources of them and the ones at the hippie store are soft and practically moldy. I would pay you for them and shipping.
I reallize this may sound crazy to you LOL! I feel the same about mint… Big Mistake! I plan to have a patch and mow all around it. to keep it in line. Have you tried that?
I mow on two sides, but I put them in the corner of a garden bed, so I can’t mow on the other side. Moose Tubers, a division of Fedco Co-op Garden Supplies, sells sunchokes. That’s where I got my starting tubers. Not that I necessarily mind getting rid of some, but the post office can be fussy about shipping live plant material. Moose Tubers can be found at: http://www.fedcoseeds.com/moose.htm
Thanks so much for the disclosure link. I have been unsure how to add that to my website. Great website! Thanks for all the information.
Thanks so much for the disclosure policy link!! I’m always nervous writing about herbal medicines and such on my site.
Love your site, by the way. Just found it yesterday.